Grateful Farewell And Excited Arrival

We bid a fond, loving farewell to President & Sister Clark. Following the footsteps of great missionaries such as Alma, Ammon, and the Prophet Joseph Smith, they have served their Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ with all of their heart, might, mind and strength.  May the Lord continue to bless you for your valiant, selfless service and consecrated offering to so many here in the California Fresno Mission. President & Sister Clark, you will be sorely missed, but always remembered and deeply loved by those of us whose lives you have enriched.  

We arrived with great anticipation and a sense of humble gratitude to be serving with the great missionaries of the California Fresno Mission. We are grateful to President & Sister Clark for leaving us with a solid foundation upon which the work of the Lord can move forward with even greater pace and power. We have found missionaries who love the Lord and therefore strive to be exactly obedient; who live so that they can be instruments in the Lord's hands to bring souls unto Him with His power and authority; who radiate the hope and great joy of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ; who know their missionary purpose and strive daily to make an acceptable offering to Him. We are excited to move forward together in unity to accomplish what the Lord has sent us here to do, namely to gather His children and to prepare this part of the vineyard for His coming.      

From Left to Right: Elder Quinn, Presidents Clark & Mackay, Sisters Mackay & Clark, Elder Gray


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