The New Troops Arrive - 8.30.2017

Fresh off of the airplane and ready for action

Top: Elder Zornes; Below: Elder Wake
Top: Elder Vargas; Bottom: Townsend
Top: Elder Reza; Bottom: Passey
Top: Elder Okolowitz; Bottom: Elder Lyman
Top: Elder Iongi; Bottom: Elder Jensen
Top: Elder Houssian; Bottom: Elder Hoffman
Top: Elder Griffith; Bottom: Elder Fuller
Top: Sister Rees; Bottom: Sister Matua
Top: Sister Grammer; Bottom: Sister Garcia
Top: Sister de Leon; Bottom: Sister Buchanan
Top: Elder Clements; Bottom: Elder Dabney

Arriving at the Mission Office to an enthusiastic welcome.

Ready, set.............Open Your Mouth.

Singing our thanks to those that were called to serve a wonderful lunch.

Dinner at President and Sister Mackay's home.

Trainers and new missionary trainees

Top: Elder Gibson and Elder Zornes; Bottom: Elder Lopez and Elder Wake
Top: Elder James and Elder Vargas; Bottom: Elder Del Carmen, Elder Houssian, and Elder Morales
Top: Elder Strommen and Elder Okolowitz; Bottom: Elder Bingham and Elder Townsend
Top: Elder Mussin and Elder Reza; Bottom: Elder Pettit and Elder Griffith
Top: Elder Rose and Elder Iongi; Bottom: Elder Neilson and Elder Fuller
Top: Elder LaMay and Elder Jensen; Bottom: Elder King and Elder Clements
Top: Sister Dixon and Sister Buchanan; Bottom: Sister Kokol and Sister de Leon
Top: Sister Pachner and Sister Garcia; Bottom: Sister Jordan and Sister Grammer
Top: Sister Johnson and Sister Matua; Bottom: Sister Rhodus and Sister Rees
Top: Elder Paukovic and Elder Dabney; Bottom: Elder Wright and Elder Hoffman
Top: Elder Wright and Elder Passey; Bottom: Elder Kloepfer and Elder Lyman

Training day......some instruction and a sense of anticipation before meeting the trainers.
A sense of relief after trainer-trainee introductions
And once again lots of smiles and singing their thanks to those that so graciously served lunch.


  1. Thanks for all the pictures!!!! Its so great to see our new missionary!!!

  2. Thank you for posting these wonderful pictures! Love seeing my son look so happy.

  3. Lookin good Elder Iongi! Thanks for the pictures!


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