Zone Conference 9.19.2017 Merced, Fresno West Zones

Back row (left to right): Sisters Kelly, Morse and Feldman, Elders Rushton, Mederos,
Millburn, Zornes, Gibson, C. White, Park, Jensen, M. Lopez, Quinn, Reza, Townsend, 
Griffith, Hoffman, Burke, Edwards, Taylor Sisters Jeffrey and Gough; Middle row (left to
right): Sisters Dixon and Buchanan, Elder and Sister van Uitert, Elder and Sister Marcom, 
President and Sister Mackay, Sister and Elder Griffiths, Sister and Elder Richards, Sisters 
Malpica and Whitney; Front row (left to right): Sisters Fisher and Balls, Elders Merrill, 
Wright, Passey, Aguilar, Nelson, Austin, Pettit, Mussin, Bingham, Gray, Wilmoth

All smiles and focus as they prepare to learn and receive inspiration.

Unfazed by the prospects of raising their voices when called upon, an angelic men's choir.

Sometimes learning and preparation are best done by acting things 
out with a real live audience.

And then it is off to build amazing structures, to work together, and, yes, 
to laugh a bit at the interesting creations produced.

All before singing our gratitude to those who once again nourished our bodies and spirits.

And finally hearing the powerful testimonies and expressions of gratitude
from our departing companions and friends.


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