New Missionaries 10.11.2017

We welcome our awesome new companions.
Back row (left to right): Elders Benson, Wride, Oswald, Laughlin, Lawrence, Vidmar, 
Christensen, Royce, Witt, and Smith; Middle row (left to right): Sisters Vergara, 
Salguero, Hicks, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Fjord, Olroyd, and Corn, 
Elders Bastian and Cranford; Front (left to right): Elders Hinckley, 
Israelsen and Taylor

Arriving at the mission office to a warm, hearty welcome.....before going out to open their mouths.

A tired crew having real food for the first time in weeks at the mission home.

Top: Elders Herman and Bastian; Elders Perez and Benson
Bottom: Elders Mederos, Christensen and Nelson; Elders Anderson and Cranford
Top: Elders Yskes and Hinckley; Elders Ellestad and Israelsen
Bottom: Elders Larson and Laughlin; Elders Nesom, Lawrence, and Muir
Top: Elders Merrill and Onines; Elders Tapia, Oswald and Rogers
Bottom: Sparks and Royce; Elders Austin and Smith
Top: Elders J. Lopez and Wride; Elders Stegelmeier and Witt
Bottom: Elders Rushton, Taylor and White; Elders Atkinson and Vidmar
Top: Sisters Malpica and Corn; Sisters Fjord and Whitney
Bottom: Sisters Hicks and Gillespie; Sisters Fisher and Olroyd
Top: Sisters Vogel and Salguero
Bottom: Sisters Reid and Vergara

Singing thanks for those who served a wonderful lunch to trainers and trainees.

Class of October 11, 2017 -  Trainers and Trainees


  1. So good to see our boy Elder Bastian thank you!

  2. Thanks for taking and adding the pictures of the new missionaries! We're looking forward to following the blog and more pictures. It was good to see the smiles and the warm welcome as they arrived. Was good to see Elder Lawrence. :-) Thanks for your sacrifice and service.


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