Departing Missionaries 2.14.2018

The graduating class of February 2018, and what an impressive class it is.
Back row (left to right): Elders Del Carmen, Flores, Rushton, Morales and Baconawa; Middle row (left to right): Sisters Jordan, Whitney, Malpica, Balls and Kokol; Front row (left to right): Sisters Gough, Padilla, and Rendon.  Not pictured: Sister Miller

A lovely day for a lovely session at the temple......we missed our beloved companions Sister Miller, Sister Kelly, and Elder Austin who could not be present but will never be forgotten......

we also bid farewell this transfer to our dear companion, Elder Allen, who was called back to service in the Puerto Rico Mission.....

After the temple, a delicious dinner at the Mission Home.....
followed by a challenging game of Giant Jenga.....WATCH OUT BELOW......

with the cutting of ties representing a fitting finish to a season of excellence in the service of the Lord......

and the traditional signing of the ties......
and a picture of well worn brown shoes....before a good night's rest, a hearty breakfast, grateful hugs, and a final departure to the airport.....

God be with you till we meet again dear friends and companions.


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