New Missionaries 4.3.2019

Back row (left to right): Elders Walker and Grant; Front row (left to right): Sisters Guzman, Heaton, Jacobson, Fisher, Hilton, Bushman, Davis, Rasmussen, Hansen, Sister and President Mackay, Elders Tokan and Yang

Dinner at the Mission home after arrival.....

followed by a sharing of spiritual insights and expectations, then it is off to a good night's sleep.....

the next morning, arrival at the Mission office for a day of orientation and training....

beginning with going out onto the streets of Fresno to open their mouths....

before meeting their new training companions......

Top (left to right): Elders Christensen and Tokhan; Elders Mauchley and Walker; Bottom (left to right): Elders Grant and Vidmar; Elders Zollinger, Yang and Israelsen
Top (left to right): Hermanas Rindlisbacher and Bushman; Sisters Decker and Davis; Bottom (left to right): Hermanas Kingsford and Hansen; Hermanas Vasquez and Heaton
Top (left to right): Hermanas Shelton, Rasmussen and Peters; Middle (left to right): Hermanas Benson, Jacobson and Stewart; Bottom (left to right): Hermanas Ward, Hilton and Hemming
Top (left to right): Sisters Scott, Guzman and Larkin; Bottom (left to right): Hermanas Basinger, Fisher and Huahtala

the session ends with a great meal and as always a song of thanks for those who served.....

before heading out to their areas and a new adventure in the Lord's service.


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