Class of 6.26.2019

Back row (left to right): Elders Schilling, Vallace, Andersen, Goebel, and Parker; Front row (left to right): Sisters Saensuriwong, McKrola, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Sandoval, Hodge
Arrivals at the airport are always fun but after a long travel day, our new companions arrive exhausted and......

ready to go to the Mission home for a good meal and short spiritual discussion
before retiring for a good night's rest.........

because the morning comes early and its time to get to work, first at the Mission office 
where our new companions are greeted then head out onto the streets of
Fresno to open their mouths before......

meeting their new companions who will train and help 
them to grow for the coming 12 weeks......

followed by almost a full day of orientation and training to prepare our new companions 
to truly give their hearts, might, mind and strength to the Lord and their service.....

we welcome the class of June 2019. We are blessed to serve with you 
in this most important work on the earth.
Back row (left to right): Elders Wyne, Degn, Tait, Parker, Taylor, Andersen, Goebel, Lebaron, Vallace, Lawal, Schilling, and Butler; Second row (left to right): Sisters McKrola, Saensuriwong, Guzman, and Gardiner; Front row (left to right): Sisters McLoughlin, Sandoval, Ninhat, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Sweat, Payton, and Hodge


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