Mission Leadership Council 11.8.2019

Pre-council studies to spiritually prepare to receive.

On to the council session, seeking ways to help those in our stewardships to walk in higher and holier ways......

to improve their skills, competency and faith.....

followed by physical nourishment....

and then singing our gratitude for those who have shared and served.

Back row (left to right): Elders Smyer, Lawal, Tait, Bauman, Farnsworth, Clement, Vikari, Washington, Stoner, Dodge, Catto, Tellez, Kimball, Alfano, and Wyne; Second row (left to right): Sisters Carrasco, Guzman, Pearson, Ninhat, Zambrano, Hall, Benson, Polson, Hodge, Payton, Vollmer, Hunter, Brown, and McLoughlin; Third row (left to right): Sisters Davis, Yates, Stewart, Rasmussen, President Slade, President and Sister Mackay, President and Sister Tree, and Sister Peters; Fourth row (left to right): Elders Butler, Godoy, Rasmussen, Garma, Austin, Hernandez, Corlew, and Tschappat


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