Mission Leadership Council 6.01.2018

The power and wisdom of our Mission Leadership Council.....

is a delight to experience.....

united in their focus on their missionary purpose and serving those in their stewardships.....

they counsel together relative to how best to minister to our sister companions....
and how to encourage positive energy and optimism worthy of the Lord's work.....

and with hearty appetites and smiles, they gratefully receive physical nourishment.....

before gathering and in unison singing their thanks to those who served them.....

then its all hands in for an enthusiastic cheer to finish a marvelous day.

Standing (left to right): Sisters Reid and Va'enuku, Elders Fernandez, Nielsen, Kauai, Mussin, Pettit, LaMay, Jones, Ennis, Facer and Daines; Seated (left to right): Sisters Gillespie, Dixon, Burnside, Fjord, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Sheffield, Johnson, deLeon, and Fisher; Front row (left to right): Elders Tapia, Schaff, Gibson, Merrill, Nelson, White, Jenson, and C. Wright


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