Arriving Missionaries 6.13.2018

The initial steps into the unknown come as they emerge from the concourse to welcoming arms....

Top: Sister Barnhart; Bottom: Sister Pearson
Top: Elder Gaskill; Bottom: Elder Corlew

then its off to the Mission Home for a welcome dinner and devotional, followed by a good night's sleep and finally arrival once again to welcoming arms at the Mission Office.....

where the newly arrived missionaries are taken out onto the streets of Fresno to 'open their mouths'....

meet their missionary trainers.....
Top: Elders Young and Taylor; Bottom left: Elders Cheney and Gaskill; Bottom right: Elders Stoker and Corlew 
Top: Sisters Ferrell and Pearson; Bottom: Sisters Va'enuku and Barnhart
all the training on our missionary purpose, loving the Savior and consecrated obedience, leads to the need for physical nourishment as well...... 

for which all express their joy and sing their gratitude.....

We love our newly arrived companions and their wonderful trainers. The mission is in great hands.

Back row: Elders Ennis, Taylor, Young, Gaskill, Cheney, Stoker, Corlew, and Facer; Seated: Sisters Va'enuku and Barnhart, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Ferrell and Pearson


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