Mission Leadership Council 12.7.2018

Back row (left to right): Elders Daines, Theurer, Passey, Lilly, Griffith, Houssian, Oswald, Wake, Hinckley, Zornes, J. Christensen, D. Smith, Tschappat, Rivera, and Townsend; Second row (left to right): Sisters Scott, DeHaan, Powell, Agler, Payne, Buchanan, Hicks, Vergara, Hansen, Christensen, Lau, and Houghton; Third row: (left to right): deLeon, Malmstrom, McDonald, Ferrell, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Berry, Decker, Fjord, and Oldroyd; Fourth row (left to right): Elders Clements, Vargas, Lyman, D. Jensen, Taylor, Fuller, Royce, Lawrence, and Tornero

In seats studying to prepare spiritually for the council session.......

with role plays on effective contacting efforts.....

followed by a short break and additional training and counseling on effectively introducing and using the Book of Mormon, scripture memorization and mastery to increase teaching competence and faith, how missionaries can be proactive to help retain and nourish new converts, and the importance of showing missionaries as a means of increasing their competence, skill and faith to not only find and teach but to help those they teach make covenants through baptism......

and after a session of inspiration and learning, a hearty meal to nourish the body as well.....

before singing our gratitude to those who have shared their goodness and kindness. An excellent day for these faithful representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ and leaders in His vineyard.


  1. Thanks for taking the pictures and posting! Thanks for all you do! Fun to see the missionaries and they’re happy faces.


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