New Missionaries are here 11.28.2018

Welcome to our new companions.....we are thrilled that you are here....

arriving at Fresno International Airport, gathering bags and loading into the van.....

for a visit to the Mission Home for dinner and to hear testimonies of miracles and a prophetic directive to the California Fresno Mission.....

after a good nights rest, the missionaries arrive at the Mission office to a hearty welcome.....

before going onto the streets of Fresno to open their mouths and invite souls to follow the Savior....

while the training missionaries are diligently preparing.....

to meet their new companions......

after which they join together for instruction and training on their missionary purpose, the importance of seeking and maintaining the Holy Ghost as a 3rd companion, Attacking the Day, and striving to consecrate their obedience and selves to the Lord and their service......

Top: Sisters Robison and Peters; Bottom: Sisters Nielson and Gardner
Top: Sisters Peters and Lopez; Bottom: Sisters Smith, Huhtala, and Vaughn
Top: Sisters Hemming and Foutz; Bottom: Sisters Coppom and Jenkins
Top: Sisters Brown, Basinger and Ward; Bottom: Elders Zollinger and Israelsen
Top: Elders Taylor and Jeske; Bottom: Hernandez and Miller
Top: Elders Farnsworth and Mauchley; Bottom: Elders Lawal and Johnson
Top: Elders Higdon and Curtis; Bottom: Elders Cragun and Harris
Top: Elders Dodge and Garma; Bottom: Elders Strong and Calder
Top: Elders Bullock and Johnson; Middle: Elders Vasquez and Ashby; Bottom: Elders Anderson and Bauman
then it is time for physical nourishment to go with the spiritual nourishment.....

and then it is time to sing our thanks to those who have kindly served us.....

The class of November 2018 with trainiers
Back row (left to right): Elders Townsend, Harris, Ashby, Vasquez, Calder, Strong, Israelsen, Dodge, Zollinger, Curtis, Taylor, Farnsworth, Cragun, Mauchley, Johnson, Bullock, Higdon, and Daines; 2nd row (left to right): Sisters Hemming, Foutz, Lopez, Huhtala, Robison, Brown, Vaughn, Gardner, Nielson, and Smith; Third row (left to right): Sisters Jenkins, Coppom, Peters, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Ward, Peters, and Basinger; Front row (left to right): Elders Garma, Hernandez, Miller, Anderson, Johnson, Bauman, Lawal, and Jeske


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