Departing Missionaires 3.21.2018

Time once again to say a grateful goodbye to beloved companions 
entering into a new phase of their lives.
Back row (left to right): Elders Estrada, Millburn, Thornton, Strommen and Crosby; Front row (left to right): Sisters Peterson and Pachner, President and Sister Mackay, Elder Mountford

A loving farewell to Sister Du Par who will continue her service in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission......
Then it is off to a departing missionary dinner at the Mission Home.....

Where ties are cut symbolizing the end of diligent this season of service to the Lord......

And the Giant Jenga challenge tradition continues (32 rows achieved)....

With a traditional french toast breakfast enjoyed by all ......

Before heading to the airport for the ride home to a warm greeting with family and friends. 

We love you and pray for continued success in the next phases of life's journey.


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