Trainer-Trainee Session 2.28.2018

After 2 weeks in the field, smiles, faith and resolve still burning bright.....
Trainings on Adjusting to Missionary Life, principles of building lasting relationships and companionship unity, and examining the Parable of the Talents to deepen our love of the Lord and to better understand His expectations of us as His servants...... 

Followed by a delicious lunch.....

and a song of thanksgiving for those who prepared and served the meal....

And ending with blindfolds and rope in a team building game rich with lessons for both missions and life in general....An excellent, faith building experience had by all. We love our new companions and friends in this great work.

Standing (left to right): Elders Facer, D. Jensen, Barwick, J. Wright, Washington, Taylor, Tait, Theurer, and Rogers; Seated (left to right): Sisters Ferrell, Burnside, Johnson, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Smith, Minaker, and Howard; Front (left to right): Sisters Jespersen, Decker, McDonald, Fjord, Steskal, and Buchanan


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