Week in the mission 2.28.2018

A Zone interview session at the Mission Home brings some great benefits including soft chairs, Sister Mackay's baked goods and a loving environment....

But even if they are not at the Mission Home for Zone interviews, the smiles, camaraderie, and warm environment are present and enjoyed......

A fond farewell to a beloved companion, Elder Hales, returning to the Puerto Rico Mission after serving faithfully the people of the California Fresno Mission for a season......
And Elder Clark and Sister Amundsen all smiles and excitement to proceed to their permanent assignments in the Philippines.....they will be missed but the love and prayers of their companions continue with them......

And a loving farewell to Sisters Rendon and Kokol who completed their missions with distinction, honor and the gratitude of their loving Savior.......

At the same time, we are excited about the arrival of a new companion, Elder Chatterton greeted below by his training companion Elder Taylor, and the anticipation of many wonderful experiences, miracles and adventures with him. All in all, a great week in the California Fresno Mission


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