Mission Leadership Council Plus 04.06.2018

The dawn of a new, more tech savvy missionary effort begins as usual, with studies of paper books and hardbound scriptures, smiles and great anticipation.....

As Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders, companions and technology specialists prepare to learn about and how to use exciting new tools which present great opportunities to accelerate the gathering of Heavenly Father's children......

So its good-bye to flip phones and keyboard phones, and hello to smartphones......

Operated by those born with seeming technology genes.....

But technology tools will never eliminate the need for physical nourishment.....

Or the need to give gratitude and thanks to those who served so diligently to meet those needs.

Our technology specialists - 
Back row (left to right): Elders Lyman, Derbidge, Tschappat, Bingham, Strong, Hinckley, Pixton, Mendoza, Ellestad, Hoffman, J. Lopez, M. Christensen, and Davis; Seated (left to right): Sister Feldman, Sister and Elder Marcom, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Reid, Garcia and Phothiworn

Our Mission Leadership Council - 
Back row (left to right): Elders Kauai, Rogers, Nielsen, Merrill, White, Gibson, Ennis, C. Wright, Tapia, Ikimau, and Facer; Second row (left to right): Sisters Burnside, deLeon, Reid, Fisher, Gillespie, and Rees; Seated (left to right): Sisters Johnson, Va'enuku, and Tatakamotonga, President and Sister Mackay, Sister Rhodus, Dixon, and Sheffield; Front row (left to right): Elders LaMay, Mussin, Nelson, A. Jensen, Pettit, Fernandez, and Jones


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