Trainers and Trainees Reunite for Training 4.4.2018

All is peaceful as missionaries take the 30 minutes before training to study and ponder....

Bringing smiles, joy and inspiration before.....

Being instructed on the elements of establishing and nurturing true relationships, the Parable of the Talents, and the process of becoming consecrated servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.....

And after being spiritually and emotionally fed, these great servants of the Lord are physically fed.....

For which appropriate gratitude is expressed through song and word to the Lord and those who served them so lovingly and diligently.....

Which nourishment provided strength to participate in Sister Mackay's team building games and exercises and the great lessons taught, experienced and learned therein.....

And, with all hands in for an enthusiastic cheer, depart for their areas to resume their sacred work in the Lord's vineyard. We love these great missionaries.

Back row (left to right): Elders Facer, Nelson, Bennett, Hernandez, Wake, T. Witt, Merrill, Hepworth, Nesom, Steel, Lawrence, Royce, Ennis, Wyne, Schaff, Clements, King, Austin, Jordan, Kimball; Seated (left to right): Sisters Cate, Grammer, Jeffrey, Holzer, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Fisher, deLeon, and Harris; Front (left to right): Elders Rogers, Bastian, Smith, Davis, Lavatai, Iongi, and McKinney


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