District Leadership Council 5.30.2018

A mixture of old and new, our outstanding district leaders.....

gather for training and to council together......

on how to effectively minister to the Sisters in their stewardships, to review and better understand district leader responsibilities, and to learn important leadership principles.....
after which they receive physical nourishment.....

and while brown shoes are all the rage....

even more impressive is their song of gratitude for those who have served them so well, our dear friends Elder and Sister Phillips.

Our District Leadership Council
Back row (left to right): Elders Facer, Derbidge, Fischer, S. Smith, Hinckley, Zornes, Townsend, Passey, Dabney, Tornero, D. Jensen and Ennis; Seated (left to right): Elders Fuller, Kloepfer, and Nesom, President and Sister Mackay, Elders Paukovic, King and Oswald


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