Zone Conference South 5.24.2018

Hanford, Visalia, and Porterville Zone members are all smiles and enthusiasm as they prepare to receive.....

inspired training and instruction from companions and leaders, as well as each other......

including an inaugural session in Spanish for those with Spanish assignments..... 
and in all sessions the language of the Holy Ghost is spoken and felt.....

when it comes to games, the team is primed, encouraging and determined.....

and then it is on to song, a delicious lunch and expressions of gratitude.....

before heading to the chapel to receive instruction on becoming Epistles of Christ, and listening to the testimonies of our dear departing missionaries.....

followed by high fives and expressions of congratulations and love from grateful companions.

Back row (left to right): Elders Okolowitz, Vasquez, Hoffman, Kloepfer, M. Lopez, Jones, Reza, Zornes, White, Jordan, Yancey, Townsend, Anderson, Iongi, and Tschappat; Second row (left to right): Elders Cheney, Timm, Allen, Nelson, L. Lopez, J. Christensen, C. Wright, Fernandez, Edwards, Theurer, J. Wright, and Mussin;  Third row (left to right): Sisters Cate, Grammer, Burnside, Decker, Salguero, Fjord, Smith, Vergara, Buchanan, Morse, deLeon, Scott, McDonald, Harris, and Fisher; Seated (left to right): Elder and Sister Brandt, Sister and Elder Schoenfeld, President and Sister Mackay, Sister and Elder Marcom, Sister and President Tree, Elder Facer; Front row (left to right): Elders Mitchell, Derbidge, Bingham, J. Lopez, Riggs, Rasmussen, Dabney, Passey, Wride, and Rose


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