Zone Conference North 5.22.2018

Fresno West and Merced Zone members get ready to receive inspiration......

with studies first and then reciting our missionary purpose.......

before receiving instruction and counseling together in inaugural Spanish language sessions......
and sessions in English covering the Divine Companionship and building member trust.....

before joining together in a rousing team building activity complete with Oreos......

funny faces and smiles.....

encouragement and teamwork.....
followed by lunch provided by loving angels and friends......

for which we sing our gratitude......

then its off to the chapel for additional training on becoming living Epistles of Christ and hearing testimonies from wonderful servants of the Lord who will soon depart the field......

with high fives and expressions of congratulations, the departing missionaries leave their final zone conference session.....

Back row (left to right): Elders Vargas, Tapia, King, Schaff, Cragun, H. Smith, Murray, A. Jensen, Royce, Austin, Kimball, Tait, Wyne, and Mendoza; Second row (left to right): Elders Moran, Lilly, Fuller, Nate, Falke, Yskes, D. Jensen, LaMay, Stoker, and Nelson; Third row (left to right): Elders Houssian and Corless, Sisters Oldroyd, Reid, Gardner, Minaker, Jeffrey, and Holzer, Elders Stegelmeier, Dodge, and Griffith; Seated (left to right): Elder and Sister Marcom, Sister and President Rowan, President and Sister Mackay, Sister and Elder Griffiths, Elders Facer and Ennis; Front row (left to right): Elders Oswald, Meyer, Lyman, Lavatai, Gumiran, and Davis


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