Mission Leadership Council 7.6.2018

Our new and improved Mission Leadership Council, smiles, studies and ready to counsel together....

preparing their minds and hearts to receive inspiration and learn.....

through counseling together on ways to increase spiritual power and teaching effectiveness through  more effective companionship study, improved gospel scholarship, and a greater focus on enhancing the teaching abilities of our missionaries.....

before receiving nourishment to the body as well courtesy of wonderful friends who were called to serve....

and then we sing our thanks for service rendered before counseling together to set inspired mission goals for the month of August.

Back row (left to right): Elders Ennis, Daines, Tapia, Townsend, Miller, White, Vikari, Zornes, Plenys, Longman, Reyes, Nielsen, and Facer; Second row (left to right): Sisters deLeon, Agler, Johnson, and Rhodus; Seated (left to right): Sisters Malmstrom, Eastman, Gillespie, Steskal, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Burnside, Fjord, Fisher, and Reid; Front row (left to right): Elders Oswald, Morley, LaMay, A. Jensen, Kauai, Mussin, Schaff, Smith, and Fuller


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