Recent Happenings in the CFM 07.2018

The District Leader Council Session....

counseling together to better understand how best to council with those in their stewardships, raising the level of commitment and consecrated obedience of missionaries, and understanding the importance of setting and striving to achieve inspired goals..... 
before enjoying physical nourishment and singing their gratitude for those who have served them.....

Back row (left to right): Elders Facer, Timm, Royce, Adamson, Hinckley, Pasikala, Wake, Stoker, Stoner, Christensen, Lilly, Hart, Derbidge, Hong and Ennis; Seated (left to right): Elders Fischer, M. Lopez, Rigby, President and Sister Mackay, D. Jensen, James, and Smith; Front row (left to right): Elders William-Johnson, Robison, Clements, Dabney, Paukovic, Lawrence, Robins, Godoy, and Rascon
Dinner with our amazing senior missionary couples
Back row and seated (left to right): Elder and Sister Schoenfeld, Elder and Sister Jensen, Elder and Sister Lilya, Elder and Sister Rusch, Sister Nielsen, Elder Henderson, Elder and Sister Starkey, Elder and Sister Tardiff, Elder and Sister Griffiths, Elder and Sister Brandt; Front row (left to right): Sister Amiott, Elder and Sister Marcom, Bro. and Sister Roper

prepared by the master chefs, Elder and Sister Brandt......

a fun time for building friendships and sharing ideas and experiences.....

with smiles and laughter in great supply......always a great occasion.

The Fresno Stake 24th of July celebration, with the traditional tug-of-war between missionaries and youth of the Stake.....

and other miscellaneous events and gatherings within the CFM.


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