New Missionaries Arrive 7.25.2018

Always a fun sight as they emerge from the concourse doors.....

Left: Sister Vaughn; Right: Sister Shelton
Left: Sister Peters; Right: Sister Nielson
Left: Sister Pectol; Right: Sister Hemming
Left: Sister Cardenas; Right: Sister Bell
Left: Elder Scheel; Right: Elder LeBaron
Left: Elder Jeske; Right: Elder Catto

its off to the Mission home for a delicious dinner before hearing of miracles and heading off to rest.....

to be greeted by new friends and companions at the Mission office.....

with new training missionaries busy receiving instruction before meeting their new companions.....

and then comes the moment when new missionaries are united with those who will help them grow and learn for the coming 2 transfers and beyond.....

Top left: Elders Scheel and Falke; Top right: Elders LeBaron and Nate; Bottom left: Elders Catto and McKinney; Bottom right: Elders Jeske and Lopez
Top left: Sisters Shelton and Powell; Top right: Sisters Smith, Pectol and deLeon; Bottom left: Sisters Vaughn and Reid; Bottom right: Sisters Vergara and Hemming 
Top left: Sisters Bell and Oldroyd; Top right: Sisters Cardenas and Christensen; Bottom left: Sisters Nielson and Salguero; Bottom right: Sisters Peters and Berry

after training on the Doctrine of Christ, our missionary purpose and consecrated obedience, it is time to nourish the body.....

and as always to sing our gratitude for all of those who have served us so diligently.....

a group photo before heading off to their areas of service, ready to serve the Lord and His children.
Standing (left to right): Elder Tapia, Sisters deLeon, Hemming, Smith, Pectol, Peters, Shelton, Berry, Bell, Oldroyd, Christensen, Cardenas, Elder Ennis; Seated (left to right): Sisters Vergara, Nielson, Salguero, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Reid, Vaughn, and Powell; Front row (left to right): Elders L. Lopez, Jeske, LeBaron, Nate, Scheel, Falke, McKinney, Catto


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