New Missionaries 1.3.2018

The Class of January 2018 - Welcome to our new companions.
Back row (left to right): Elders Kimball, Tschappat, Riggs, President and Sister Mackay, Elder Strong, Sister Walker, Elders Cheney and DeAlba; Front row (left to right): Elders Moran, Rasmussen, and Falke. (Not pictured at the airport: Elders Murray and Mendoza, Sister Du Par).

After arriving and a brief orientation, the arriving missionaries are joined by various Sister Training Leaders and missionaries at the Mission home for dinner.......

After a good nights rest, its off to the Mission office to be greeted by CFM missionaries......

To go into the community to Open Your Mouth.....

To meet their new trainers.
Top left: Elders Jones, Murray and Lilly; Top right: Elders Fuller and Rasmussen; Bottom left: Elders Moran and Tornero; Bottom right: Elders Mendoza and Ellestad.
Top: Elders Zornes and Riggs; Bottom left: Elders Strong and Hinckley; Bottom right: Elders Crosby and Tschappat
Top: Sisters Morse and Du Par; Bottom: Sisters Walker and Eastman
Top left: Elders Dabney and Cheney; Top right: Elders Thornton and DeAlba; Bottom left: Elders Townsend and Kimball; Bottom right: Elders Smith and Falke
Standing (left to right): Elders Smith, Falke, Strong, Hinckley, DeAlba, Thornton, Murray. Cheney, Dabney, Lilly, Jones, Moran, and Tornero; Seated (left to right): Elder Rogers, Sisters Walker and Eastman, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Morse and Du Par, Elder Morales; Front (left to right): Elders Townsend, Kimball, Crosby, Tschappat, Mendoza, Ellestad, Riggs, Zornes, Fuller and Rasmussen.


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