Zone Conference North 1.23.2018

Merced and Fresno West Zones
Back row (left to right): Elders Aguilar, Zornes, Ennis, and Oswald, Bro. Black, Elders White, Murray, Stegelmeier, Schaff, Crosby, Falke, Kimball, Lilly, Christensen, and Rogers; Second row (left to right): Elders Kloepfer, Passey, A. Jensen, Merrill, Del Carmen, Facer, Baconawa, Ellestad, Tschappat, Townsend, and Morales; Third row (left to right): Sisters Du Par, Vogel, Salguero, Malpica, Morse, Miller, Rees, Reid, Jeffrey, and Balls, Elders Theurer and Jones;  Fourth row (left to right): Elder and Sister Marcom, Sister and President Rowan, President and Sister Mackay, Sister and Elder Griffiths, and Sister and Elder Van Uitert; Front row: (left to right): Elders Riggs, Smith, Bastian, Mendoza, Okolowitz, Reza, Corless, and Gumiran.

Training by the Zone Leaders on exercising faith to cause to happen that which should happen....

Followed by inspired training by wonderful Sisters on helping members understand the 'how' and 'why' of sharing the Gospel, complete with study and role plays.....

Followed by team strategy and games......

Followed by joining together to sing our thanks after a wonderful lunch.......

And concluded with wonderful training and testimonies from departing missionaries.....

And a hearty 'congratulations' upon leaving the chapel to conclude their last zone conference. A spiritual feast and joyous time for all.


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