Trainer and Trainee meeting 1.17.2018

Class of January 2018 with Trainers
Standing (left to right): Elders Townsend, Falke, Smith, Strong, Crosby, Hinckley, Thornton, Murray, Jones, Lilly, Zornes, Tornero, Moran, and DeAlba; Seated (left to right): Elder Rogers, Sisters Eastman and Walker, President and Sister Mackay, Sisters Du Par and Morse, Elder Morales; Front row (left to right): Elders Kimball, Tschappatt, Mendoza, Ellestad, Cheney, Dabney, Fuller, Riggs, and Rasmussen
Time for new missionaries to discuss their experiences and questions of the first 2 weeks with the Assistants (top).....and the Trainer missionaries to do the same with President and Sister Mackay (bottom).....

Before eating a delicious lunch.......

Singing their gratitude and thanks for those who were called to serve......

And building unity and learning team dynamics through Sister Mackay's game time.

Physically and spiritually fed, more fully trained and prepared to give their heart, might, mind and strength to the Lord's work, these great servants of the Lord end the training with smiles, a deepened sense of purpose and a vigorous CFM cheer. The Lord's work of gathering His children continues to go forward at an ever increasing pace.


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