Transfers and two great departing missionaries 01.02.2018

Transfer day and transfer hub are marvels to watch as missionaries arrive in an (somewhat) orderly manner, hustle and bustle in a dance somewhat akin to a 'Chinese' fire drill complete with bicycles being tossed to and fro, missionaries piling out of a car and into the next with their luggage in tow......and then departing as quickly as they arrived. Oh the choreography.....

Until it is the Sister's turn to arrive. The hustle and bustle quickly takes on a more deliberate, almost spiritual tone as our great Sisters enter the parking lot, stream out of their give hugs and greetings to their fellow Sisters and companions (as opposed to leading with their bicycles and luggage), taking time to smile and exchange stories and heartfelt expressions of love......before loading up (gratefully the Elders have pitched in to load the bicycles and luggage in the correct cars), and departing to continue to bless their areas of service.

With this transfer, we say a loving good-bye to Elder Onines (above) who has been called to serve in the Florida, Orlando Mission, and to Sister Soifua, who departed for her field of service in the Philippines. Your companions and the people of the Fresno area express our gratitude for your diligent service, and send our love and prayers for continued blessings in your new areas of assignment.


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